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Watershed Hero Awards




We couldn't fulfill our mission of a cleaner Green Lake without the support of our members, donors, and partners. To recognize the shining examples of lake stewardship in our community, we're continuing our Watershed Hero Awards next year.


Complete the form below to nominate individuals, organizations, educators, and farmers to help us recognize local leaders who support our mission of a cleaner, restored, and resilient Green Lake.


Learn more about our 2021 and 2019 awardees.

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Nomination Form

Individual: Mary Jane Bumby (pictured above, left)

Mary Jane Bumby is one of Wisconsin’s longest-serving citizen scientists. In 1971, she completed her master’s degree by replicating an aquatic plant study in Green Lake, and recently funded the 100-year anniversary repeat of the original 1921 study.


At 90 years old, Mary Jane Bumby continues to be a lake-champion, regularly measuring various water quality parameters and communicating her findings with the GLA. When asked what inspires her to care for Green Lake she stated without hesitation, “Green Lake is my life; it’s my home.”


Organization: Green Lake Sanitary District (pictured above, centered)

The Green Lake Sanitary District (GLSD) is greatly invested in Green Lake’s water quality as an organization. Time and again, they prove they are willing to roll up their sleeves and step up to meet the needs of our beloved lake.


GLSD manages the weed harvester, stocks lake trout, conducts water quality sampling, and invests in soil health programs and best management practices—all for Big Green Lake.  Stephanie Prellwitz, the GLA’s Executive Director, stated during the Shine a Light video premier that, “The Green Lake Sanitary District is a model in the state of Wisconsin on how sanitary districts can step up to protect water resources.“


Farmer: Chris Pollack (pictured above, right)

Chris Pollack is a fourth-generation farm owner located in Ripon, Wisconsin within the Green Lake watershed. Chris and his wife, Kelly, along with his parents, Larry and Deb, are owners of Pollack-Vu Dairy, LLC.


Pollack-Vu Dairy, LLC is also a demonstration farm in the watershed as part of the Upper Fox-Wolf Demonstration Farm Network. Chris is an amazing leader in the community with a dedicated focus on practices that will benefit Green Lake. From low disturbance manure injection to grazing, cover crops and interseeding cover crops, he continues to demonstrate his willingness to try innovative agricultural practices, and learn and share his success with other farmers.

2021 Awardees
2019 Awardees

The Shoreline Boat Center was acknowledged for its exceptional willingness to use its business to advocate on behalf of the Green Lake Association’s mission. On top of donating their space as a venue for the Annual Gala, owners John and Jennifer Meiborg initiated the idea to distribute GLA materials about protecting Green Lake’s water quality to individuals who purchase a boat from them.

Avalon Creek Farm owners, Brad and Lynne Goldsmith, have built on the legacy of Lloyd and Leonore Dickman, including stream restoration and conservation easements, plus the willingness to open their property on several occasions to be used as a learning laboratory.

Charlie Marks, who unexpectedly passed away earlier this year, was Administrator of the Green Lake Sanitary District and all-around champion of Green Lake. His decades of outstanding work on behalf of Green Lake raised the bar of lake protection—by securing grants, installing conservation practices, restoring wetlands, and designing carp barriers, among other accomplishments. His wife Cathy Marks accepted the award on his behalf.

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